AORN recommends using an Air Powered Lateral Transfer System for supine transfers in Perioperative care areas
Categoriesair transfer systems,  Patient Handling

The Importance of Safe Patient Handling in Surgery Departments: The SPH Medical Air Transfer and Positioning System Solution

Healthcare settings have a paramount duty to ensure both patient and staff safety including safe patient handling in surgery departments. However, one critical aspect often overlooked is the risk associated with manual patient handling in surgery departments. This issue has become a significant concern due to its dire consequences on caregiver health and hospital operations.

The Risks of Manual Patient Handling

Manual patient handling poses considerable risks to healthcare providers. According to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, nurses involved in manual patient handling activities experience a high rate of musculoskeletal injuries1. Another study found that there was a notable increase in musculoskeletal injuries among hospital patient care staff before the implementation of patient lift and transfer equipment.

Why This Problem Exists

The continued use of manual patient handling can be attributed to several factors, including a lack of awareness about the risks, inadequate training, and the gaps in supply and backorders of safer patient handling equipment. These gaps can lead to situations where caregivers have no choice but to resort to manual patient handling, putting themselves at risk.

In the bustling environment of a surgery department, healthcare professionals are constantly faced with various manual patient handling tasks. These tasks, while essential for patient care, can pose significant risks for injuries to staff members.

Common Manual Handling Tasks in Surgery Departments; Lateral Transfers

One of the most predictable and frequent tasks is the lateral transfer of patients on and off the operating table. When a patient is sedated for surgery, they become entirely dependent on the healthcare staff for movement. This dependence increases the physical demand on the healthcare professionals, leading to a higher risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

Limb Holding

Another common task is limb holding during surgical procedures. This task requires nurses and techs to maintain a steady hold on a patient’s limb for extended periods, often in awkward postures. This static strain can lead to musculoskeletal disorders such as back, neck, and shoulder injuries.

Band Sling can be used to hold limbs

Turning Patients

Turning patients to a prone position is another routine task that can be hazardous. It involves manually rolling the sedated patient onto their stomach, which can be particularly challenging for heavier patients. This activity puts a lot of strain on the caregiver’s body, increasing the risk of injury.The Tri Turner can bre used to turn patients and hold them in side lying

The Need for Safe Patient Handling

Given the inherent risks associated with these tasks, it’s clear that there’s a crucial need for safe patient handling practices in surgery departments. Implementing safe patient handling interventions can significantly reduce overexertion injuries by replacing manual patient handling.

Moreover, the use of safe patient handling technology can mobilize patients gently, earlier, and progressively without risking injury to caregivers. It’s time to transform the way we handle patients in surgery departments – for the sake of both patient and staff safety.

The SPH Medical Air Transfer and Positioning System: A Gold Standard Solution

The SPH Medical Air Transfer and Positioning System is a revolutionary product designed to mitigate the risks associated with manual patient handling. It uses air-assisted technology to facilitate safe and efficient patient transfer and positioning, significantly reducing the physical strain on caregivers.Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mat is part of the Air Powered Transfer and Positioning System

Why It’s the Best Solution for Safe patient Handling in Surgery Departments

When compared to other patient handling methods, the SPH Medical Air Transfer and Positioning System comes out on top. It has been proven to reduce the risk of injury while performing patient handling tasks, specifically those predictable lateral transfers on and off the OR table. The 1000 lb weight capacity and variety of transfer mat sizes allow this solution to be used for all surgery patients. Moreover, it is considered a “gold standard” and a “trusted partner” for hospitals looking to improve patient and staff safety.

Cost-Effectiveness of the System

The costs associated with manual patient handling are staggering. These include direct costs such as treatment and rehabilitation for injured staff, and indirect costs like lost productivity and potential lawsuits. Investing in the SPH Medical Air Transfer and Positioning System can significantly reduce these costs. The system’s efficiency and reliability translate into fewer injuries, less downtime, and a safer working environment, making it a cost-effective solution for hospitals.

Conclusion: The Clear Choice for Enhanced Safety and Efficiency

The risks associated with manual patient handling in surgery departments are clear and present. However, solutions like the SPH Medical Air Transfer and Positioning System offer a way forward. This system not only improves patient and staff safety but also proves to be a cost-effective solution for hospitals.

By addressing critical supply needs and implementing safe patient handling systems, hospitals can significantly reduce workplace injuries, improve staff morale, and ultimately enhance patient care. Contact SPH Medical today to explore how this system can revolutionize your patient handling procedures.

The SPH Medical EPD improves safety and comfort during Thoracentesis Epidurals and Spinal Blocks
CategoriesPatient Handling

Safe Patient Handling during Thoracentesis

What is an EPD and How Does it Help with Safe Patient Handling?

EPD stands for epidural positioning device. This is an epidural chair that helps to safely position and support a patient while getting an epidural or spinal block. This portable device allows for optimal safe patient handling without the physical need of staff members to hold patients for an extended period of time.

Why is an EPD Useful for a Thoracentesis?

When a thoracentesis is performed, the patient must be placed in a similar position as an epidural to allow the needle to successfully penetrate into the pleural space. Expert patient positioning is a must to ensure that this procedure is done safely and correctly every single time.

Unfortunately, using stacked pillows and relying on the physical exertion of staff members to hold a patient in place during this painful procedure isn’t always the best option for your facility. Rather an epidural positioner can be a great addition to any hospital looking to reduce nursing injury statistics and optimize patient care.

Where is Thoracentesis performed?

Thoracentesis is often performed in a hospital setting where a pulmonologist will drain the fluid in the pleural cavity. This can be an inpatient procedure or an outpatient procedure. One hospital that uses the EPD for thora’s, City of Hope in Los Angeles, California has their patients visit the ultrasound department where the ultrasound tech is responsible for preparing the patient. Ultrasound guidance is used to locate the needle insertion point and is considered to improve patient safety.

The Various Safe Patient Handling Benefits of EPDs

When it comes to safe patient handling, EPDs are a great way to help enhance your staff’s ability to keep patients safe and comfortable during a thoracentesis procedure. In fact, these devices provide many great benefits for patients and staff members alike.

Increase Safe Patient Handling with the EPD

The epidural positioner will provide each patient with layers of support that will keep them safe throughout the procedure. While staff members are capable of holding patients in position, these types of static holds put hospital workers at risk and there’s always the possibility the patient or the staff member moving.  For example, a staff member may experience a cramp or some other condition that compromises their ability to continue to hold the patient safely in position. With an epidural positioner, you can eliminate the risk of manual patient handling and ensure patient safety 100% of the time.

Less Risk to Staff Members

Nurses and ultrasound techs won’t have to hold the patient into position or continue to support them throughout the procedure. Additionally, there’s no possibility of the patient falling and staff members having to quickly catch a falling patient or support the full weight of the patient. Any equipment that helps to reduce long periods of static holding or over exertion by your staff members can greatly contribute to healthier staff members, improved job satisfaction, and will reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

Requires Fewer Staff Members

Another great benefit of epidural positioning devices is that they provide so much support for the patient that you won’t need to have multiple staff members manually positioning the patient. Rather, you can have one staff member oversee the patient and the ultrasound technician. This helps to reduce labor requirements and allows your staff members to more efficiently handle patient flow throughout the day.

Epidural positioning devices can be a great addition to your medical facility. They can work to enhance patient safety, speed up procedures like Thoras, and reduce the wear and tear on your staff members. Any good medical facility knows that investing in devices that offer safe patient handling and less physical exertion from their staff members is a must. If you don’t currently have any EPDs, it’s high time to consider investing in them.

Repositioning Sheet reduces risk of injury
Categoriesair transfer systems

Patient Repositioning Causes Nursing Injury

Nurses face a high risk of sustaining a patient repositioning injury when working in any department hospital setting, even when practicing even the most common patient handling tasks. The two most common tasks where injuries take place are when boosting a patient up in bed or undertaking a lateral transfer.  Many of the in bed patient care tasks that nurses perform require lifting, pushing, pulling, and holding that can cause injury.  This article will discuss the two most effective evidence based solutions to address repositioning in bed and lateral transfers.

The Risk of Performing a Lateral Transfer

Lateral transfers are predictable and the cause of many injuries to nursing staff, including back injuries, sprains, strains, or tears. These repetitive tasks put nurses at a higher risk for injury and using the old-fashioned draw sheet or plastic slider board don’t do much to make the situation safer.  When using the older low tech solutions like a draw sheet or slider board, friction still exists and nurses have to use excessive force to push, pull, and transfer patients.

Boosting up in Bed is a Nursing Nightmare

Boosting a patient happens countless times a day in every nursing unit in the country. But, this traditionally manual bed-sheet task causes many injuries due to the high rate of repetition, increase in morbid obesity, awkward body posture, friction and other safety factors.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, patient handling injuries among nurses cost almost 1 billion dollars annually, with over 200,000 reported injuries every year. Of course, this isn’t news to nurses. As many as 20% of nursing employees leave direct care positions because of the associated risks.

Reduce Your Risk of Injury

With the use of medical technology, like the breathable repositioning sheet and SPH Medical’s air transfer system, nurses can reduce the amount of staff needed for patient-handling tasks from as many as eight to one or two individuals.

The breathable repositioning sheet is a major step forward in safety for patients and nurses alike.  Designed out of a breathable material the sheet can stay under patients for extended periods of time allowing nursing staff to boost, turn, and transfer patients using an overhead or mobile lift system.  Unlike other repositioning sheets out on the market the SPH Medical breathable repositioning sheet does not have straps going across the underside of the sheet.  This innovative design means less pressure on patients’ skin during their length of stay.  Nurses across the country rely on the SPH Medical breathable repositioning sheet for all day Safe Patient Handling and care.

The SPH Medical Air Transfer System is a single patient use Air Transfer Mattress that is compatible with most manufacturer’s air supplies or blowers.  The air supply inflates the mattress and a thin cushion of air underneath an inflatable mattress, which helps to reduce friction. It is recommended by AORN for virtually all adult patients, even post-surgery.

Air Powered Transfer and Positioning System

Air-assisted transfer systems and breathable repositioning sheets are the gold standard in hospitals now because they directly addresses the patient repositioning tasks that cause hundreds of thousands of nurses to hurt themselves every year. A clinical evaluation from the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses journal found that nurses rated air-assisted systems higher than other methods.

Accessible and Easy to ManageSingle Patient Use Air Transfer Mattress

Single patient use transfer mats keep the unit, the nurse, and the patients more comfortable and safer. Because they are disposed of after patient use, it is easy to track the inventory and there is no need to worry about the laundry system or other procedures that might keep transfer units from being available. The kits can also be kept on-unit so they can easily be used throughout the day.

It’s Better for the Patient, Too

Since the mattress is a single patient use item, the mattress is disposed of which reduces the risk of cross-contamination between patients and the risk of possible infections. It’s safer because they are being transferred or boosting up in bed more gently and staff are using less physical effort.

SPH Medical wants to make nurses’ lives easier by focusing on reducing the risk of nursing injury. A nurse should be able to go home and enjoy her personal time without pain or injury-related medical issues.

SPH Medical EPD Adjust the chest support cushion
CategoriesPatient Handling

Avoid Manual Patient Handling During Spinal Blocks

Epidurals are given to patients across many departments within the hospital setting. Most people know that women often receive them during labor, but there are many other times a patient can benefit from a spinal block, including: epidural pain relief, an alternative to general anesthesia, and to combat chronic pain. Yet, as common as the practice is, many healthcare workers in a labor and delivery unit or a surgery department who perform manual patient handling are at risk for injury. Oftentimes, patients who are in need of an epidural are in pain, nervous, nauseous, or confused. Nurses have reported even being physically attacked or bitten by patients during an epidural.

In this state, it is hard to manually control positioning and account for patient movement. They might not understand the directions properly or be able to hold the position, which means that several healthcare workers have to use their entire body weight to keep the patient in place.

In addition to patient concerns, the tables or beds where the procedure is performed are also not ideal for patient or healthcare safety, such as bed side tables that don’t lock, stacks of pillows, chairs with wheels. All of these issues accumulate for risky manual patient handling for the patient and their nurses or anesthesia technician.

Improving Healthcare Safety with an Epidural Positioning Device

An EPD or epidural positioning device is designed to promote the best possible optimal spinal flexion in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spines for proper needle insertion. It also makes the procedure a lot safer then when it’s just performed with manual patient handling.

Even before considering the risks of performing a spinal block without an epidural chair, nurses are one of the most at-risk professionals in any industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nurses are injured at a rate of 46% compared to 34% elsewhere.

Manual Patient Handling and The Need for The Epidural Chair

The epidural chair directly minimizes this risk of injury for any labor and delivery unit or surgery department because it positions and holds patients automatically without the need for any special maneuvering or exertion on the healthcare provider. According to the Center for Disease Control, there is evidence-based research showing that replacing manual patient handling can significantly reduce the rate of nursing injury.

Patients see the benefit of the EPD as well. An article in the International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, patient comfort was significantly higher using an epidural chair, with over 90% of patients preferring the epidural positioning device to the historic manual positioning and holding. The EPD is a win-win scenario for patients and healthcare workers trying to deliver epidural pain relief because it is more comfortable, easy to use, and safer. For more information on epidural positioning devices contact us at SPHMedical.

CategoriesPatient Handling

Solving Patient Handling Injuries With Air

While working in a hospital can be a very rewarding career, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your own personal health to live it. Common nursing injuries happen from performing patient repositioning tasks and lateral transfers every day. These patient handling injuries are completely avoidable when the appropriate equipment is routinely accessible and available for hospital staff members to use.

What Are Air Assisted Transfer Systems?

Air assisted transfer systems have been around for some time now and are found in most major hospitals and healthcare systems.  They are essentially an inflatable mattress that allows air to escape through tiny holes on the underside that create a thin cushion of air to reduce friction and float the patient. Whenever you need to do a lateral transfer or even reposition a patient in their bed, you can simply inflate the mattress with air. This helps to boost the patient off the surface of the bed and allows for easy sliding of the mattress from one surface to another or simply further up to the head of the bed. While variations of these air assisted transfer systems are produced by other medical companies, SPH Medical offers the breathable Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mattress.

The SPH Medical Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mattress

The SPH Medical Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mattress is specifically designed to help make lateral transfers and repositioning effortless for both nursing staff and patients alike. Compliant with Safe Patient Handling Programs and Policies, this disposable transfer mat greatly works to reduce the risk of hospital infections and cross-contamination. Additionally, it helps to reduce the amount of laundry your hospital must clean. No longer will you have to run short on lateral transfer supplies for days or even weeks. With Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mattresses, you can always have a ready-to-go supply for when your patients need them.

Greatly Reduce Patient Handling Injuries

With nursing shortages becoming the norm, having nurses out due to patient handling injuries can further wear down those on staff. Air assisted transfer mats greatly help to reduce the amount of effort it takes for the nursing staff to move patients. Unlike draw sheet or sliding board transfers, air transfer mats minimize friction to make every transfer or repositioning attempt safe for everyone. When you’re able to utilize these air powered transfer systems, you can help drastically eliminate many manual patient handling tasks. Instead of worrying about potentially undergoing a repositioning injury, you can focus more on patient care. And these single use mattresses are specifically designed to be breathable so they can be utilized under total care patients for extended periods of time.

CategoriesPatient Handling

A Nurses Story About Safe Patient Handling

You went into nursing because you wanted to help people feel better and become healthy. You knew you’d need to take care of yourself to keep up with all the running around, standing, bending, stretching, lifting, and general patient care. You also knew that providing face-to-face, hands-on, eye-to-eye care was a calling of the soul, not just a career. No robotic technology can ever replace the human touch and ability to provide hands on patient care, this includes safe patient handling practices. Personal interaction gives reassurance, hope, warmth, and a feeling of safety. Numerous studies celebrate the benefits of feel-good endorphins relieving pain and promoting healing.

Early in their professional training, nurses and aides learn about the hazards of immobility: the physical and emotional dangers of staying in the same position for long periods of time. Movement during and after recovery is life-saving for patients. Another part of training is the necessity for aides and nurses to use good body mechanics to protect their own bodies. Bad backs end careers. Poor lifting techniques result in back injuries, but so does the accumulation of micro-injuries repeated over time. Instructors emphasize the necessity of prioritizing safety by getting help instead of trying to perform a risky task alone.

In the real world, though, new nurses and aides were in for a shock as they encountered the reality of working in the healthcare field.  In the past, tight budgets usually opted for physical labor over technology. As a new nurse, you didn’t realize how much manual lifting, limb holding, pushing, and pulling was required to perform general patient care tasks all day long. While working on the Medical floor, I cared for 5 patients that required boosting, turning, assistance out of bed, ambulation assistance, toilet transfers, dressing changes, linen changes, limb holding and more. These were all manual tasks that took their toll on my back, neck and shoulders. Even when we had help from a second nurse, one person seemed to be doing more of the work. Even with two people it wasn’t safe.

How do patients feel when they call for assistance but end up waiting long periods of time before anybody comes? How is it lying in cold urine until a lone staff member limps in, unable to find an available second helper? Statistics reveal that a major cause of falls in medical settings is patients trying to get up instead of waiting for help. Nurses and aides alike will agree that one of the things patients overwhelmingly want most is assistance getting comfortable or going to the bathroom. Sadly, patients often confess feeling guilty calling for help from their exhausted aides and nurses, confiding that they don’t want to be a burden, either emotionally or physically. And they don’t have to!

Innovative biomedical engineers have designed wonderful products that make life better for people with illnesses and disabilities. Considering the miracles that modern technology has achieved, nurses, aides, and patients benefit in the following ways when using the RoWalker for early Mobility, MiniLift200 for sit to stand transfers, the breathable repositioning sheet for boosting and turning, the EPD for help during epidurals and spinal blocks, and the SPH Medical Air Assisted Transfer System because lateral transfers and boosting occurs everywhere:

  • Improved patient mobility
  • Reduced Risk of falls
  • Improvement in strength and endurance
  • Reduction in delirium
  • Reduced risk of injury to hospital staff
  • Reduced friction on patients skin
  • Improved staff morale
  • Nursing retention and career longevity

Facilities such as hospitals, surgery centers, extended care facilities, rehab centers, day centers, and private homes also benefit.

Repositioning injuries from pulling patients up in bed or readjusting their joint alignment with pillows is common in nursing staff.  This boosting task is also one of the most frequent causes of injury to nurses.  The Lateral Transfer, that is helping with a patient move from the bed to a wheelchair, recliner, or stretcher, is often the riskiest because the patient’s full weight is involved.  Patients often move and shift during repositioning and lateral transfers. Newton’s Second Law of Motion (describing a force to equal to mass plus velocity over time) translates to Nursing Injury, staff reduction, compromise in patient care, and increased hospital costs.  Gait belts and draw sheets we thought were better than nothing but they can transmit infection, disturb wound dressings, and cause pinching and abrasion of delicate skin.  There are safer methods now to lift, move, transfer, hold, and ambulate patients using modern safe patient handling techniques that are simple and easy to use.

Not only can they save staff members time and energy, but they inspire patient confidence in medical facilities. Investing in equipment that protects staff and benefits patients offers a proven Return On Investment because it proves to staff and patients alike corporation recognizes and values their work, safety, and cares about their welfare.  Patients also see how the administration functions as a team instead of driving their workforce to exhaustion.

Assistive devices to aid in lateral transfers such as the SPH Medical Air Mat have the ability to save hospitals hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct medical expenses not to mention the indirect cost of staff injuries that are estimated to be three to ten times the cost of direct medical expenses.

This nurse for one is thankful that modern Safe Patient Handling has arrived.  I just wish it was here 30 years ago! I left the workforce with a severe back injury coupled with damaged shoulders and too many strains and sprains to count. Please investigate the appropriate assistive devices for your healthcare environment by consulting the experts at SPH Medical. I know they would be happy to help.

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