Repositioning Sheet reduces risk of injury to Nurses

The Importance of Disposable Repositioning Sheets in Reducing Injury Risk for Nurses

Patient Lifting and Disposable Repositioning Sheets

Nursing is a demanding profession that often requires the physical lifting and repositioning of patients. Unfortunately, this task can lead to injuries for nurses, many of which can be prevented through the implementation of the appropriate patient lift systems. An increasingly popular solution is the use of disposable repositioning sheets. These sheets can greatly reduce the risk of injury while simultaneously improving the efficiency of patient care and patient comfort. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using disposable repositioning sheets and how to choose the right one.

One of the significant benefits of using disposable repositioning sheets is the reduction of injury risk for nurses. By utilizing mechanical assistance to reposition and turn patients, nurses can avoid the physical strain that often leads to musculoskeletal disorders. Musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of injury for healthcare workers, with approximately $7 billion in workers’ compensation costs incurred each year. By using disposable repositioning sheets, these costs can be minimized while simultaneously improving patient care.

When choosing a disposable repositioning sheet, it’s essential to consider its breathability. Sheets that are not breathable can lead to heat and moisture build up and skin breakdown for patients. The most popular materials for disposable sheets are non-woven, cotton-poly blend, spun-bound material, or combinations of both. SPH Medical offers single patient use sheets that have been tested to ensure they are breathable, comfortable, and offer the necessary durability required for efficient patient repositioning.  In addition they offer a 1000lb weight capacity to ensure all patients can be safety repositioned and turned.

Another important factor to consider when selecting disposable repositioning sheets is its size. Sheets come in a variety of sizes, and selecting the appropriate size is crucial to ensure the patient’s maximum comfort and safety. Sheets that are too small can cause friction and skin irritation, while sheets that are too large can drape too far over the edge of the bed and straps can touch the floor.  SPH Medical offers three sizes of breathable repositioning sheets to fit every need.

Disposable repositioning sheets also offer clinicians the convenience they need. They are easy to stock as a supply item and can be kept on the unit for easy access. Sheets can be disposed of after they are used, eliminating the need for laundering, which can be time-consuming and costly.Reduce risk of Injury to Nurses during repositioning

How many hospital owned specialty items get lost in the dreaded laundry system? Some hospitals report loosing hundreds of thousands of dollars of launderable slings and sheets in the laundry. The challenge has been primarily with outside laundry service providers.  They don’t take responsibility for customer owned goods and charge a significant amount per item to launder them.  The disposable nature of the sheets also prevents cross-contamination between patients and contributes to maintaining a cleaner and safer environment for nurses and patients.

Disposable repositioning sheets are gaining popularity because of their ability to reduce injury risks for healthcare workers while improving patient comfort and care. In this blog post, we’ve discussed the benefits of using disposable repositioning sheets, including their breathability, appropriate sizing, and convenience. Selecting the right sheet for each patient is important, and those who work in the nursing profession should ensure that they have access to these sheets in on the hospital floor where they are needed on a daily basis to provide the best patient care possible, boosting and turning patients.  Nurses are important to the hospital and so is their safety and well being.  Using breathable repositioning sheets is a wise investment for hospitals who care about the safety of their nurses and patients.

Visit the product page to learn more about SPH Medical’s breathable repositioning sheet which has now become the standard of care for many leading hospitals across the country.

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