The EPD positions patients safely for epidurals, spinal blocks, and thoracentesis

Enhancing Nurse Safety and Patient Outcomes with SPH Medical’s Epidural Positioning Device (EPD)

In the fast-paced, demanding environment of medical procedures, patient positioning plays a critical role in ensuring safety and procedural success. Accurate and stable positioning is paramount not only for patient comfort but also for the efficiency and precision of the procedure itself. SPH Medical’s Epidural Positioning Device (EPD) is an innovative solution designed to meet these needs, providing numerous benefits that enhancing nurse safety and patient outcomes.

Understanding the Epidural Positioning Device (EPD)

The EPD by SPH Medical is meticulously designed to optimize patient positioning during various medical procedures. Its ergonomic design ensures enhanced patient comfort and stability, which are crucial for successful outcomes. The device’s thoughtful construction reduces the physical strain on healthcare providers, making it a transformative tool in clinical settings.

Benefits of the EPD

Improved Patient Comfort: The EPD’s ergonomic support minimizes patient discomfort, ensuring they remain still and relaxed throughout the procedure.

Enhanced Procedural Success: Stable and precise positioning provided by the EPD leads to higher success rates and fewer complications.

Reduced Risk of Complications: By maintaining optimal patient positioning, the EPD decreases the likelihood of procedural errors.
Increased Nurse Safety: The device significantly reduces the physical demands on nurses, minimizing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

Procedures Utilizing the EPD while Enhancing Nurse Safety

The versatility of the EPD makes it indispensable across various procedures, each benefiting from improved patient positioning.

Epidural Placements and How to Enhancing Nurse Safety

Epidurals require precise needle placement, and the EPD ensures patients are positioned correctly to facilitate this. Annually, approximately 2.4 million epidurals are performed in the US1, highlighting the widespread need for reliable positioning tools.

The Epidural Chair is the gold standard in patient positioning

Spinal Blocks

Spinal blocks necessitate exact alignment of the spinal column. The EPD provides the necessary stability, significantly enhancing procedural efficiency. In the US, around 1.5 million spinal blocks are administered each year2.

Lumbar Puncture

Lumbar punctures demand critical positioning to avoid complications. The EPD supports patients effectively, improving safety and satisfaction. Over 400,000 lumbar punctures are conducted annually in the US3.


Thoracentesis procedures benefit from the EPD’s ability to maintain optimal patient positioning, reducing risks and improving outcomes. An estimated 173,000 thoracentesis procedures are performed annually in the USA.

Thoracentesis is safer for staff and patients when using the EPD

Advantages of the EPD

Enhanced Safety for Nurses and Patients

The EPD dramatically reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injuries among nurses by eliminating the need for manual patient positioning. For patients, it minimizes movement-related complications, ensuring safer procedures.

Improved Efficiency, Enhancing Nurse Safety and Patient Satisfaction

With the EPD, the positioning process is streamlined, leading to quicker, more efficient procedures. This efficiency translates into higher success rates, reduced procedural time, and better patient outcomes.


The EPD offers significant cost savings by decreasing procedural time and lowering the incidence of complications. These efficiencies lead to reduced overall costs associated with extended hospital stays and additional treatments.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Real-world applications of the EPD have shown impressive results. Healthcare professionals consistently report improved procedural outcomes and enhanced safety for both staff and patients. Testimonials highlight the device’s reliability, ease of use, and transformational impact on medical procedures.

The SPH Medical Epidural Positioning Device is a game-changer in the realm of patient handling and procedural efficiency. By offering superior patient comfort, enhanced safety, and impressive cost-effectiveness, the EPD stands out as an essential tool for healthcare facilities. Its ability to improve outcomes across a range of critical procedures underscores its value and necessity in modern medical practice.

Next steps to Enhancing Nurse Safety

Are you ready to enhance patient safety and procedural efficiency in your facility? Contact SPH Medical today to request a quote for your hospital and inpatient units. Discover how our full range of products and services can revolutionize your healthcare practice. Visit our website or call us to learn more.

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