Band Sling

There’s no doubt, caregivers and medical professionals all over find the Band Sling ideal for lifting and supporting limbs whether for changing dressings or performing surgery. In certain circumstances, such as for patients with good upper body strength, trunk control, endurance and cognition, it also can help in turning the user or for elevating a shoulder or hips.

Safe Patient Handling is a no brainer. Single Patient Use means you’ll never have to worry about cross contamination. And the Band Sling is so versatile it can be used for a variety of tasks, making your job easier.

So jump on the bandwagon today and try out the Band Sling for yourself! You’ll be glad you did.

So what are you waiting for? Get on the band wagon and start using the Band Sling today!


The Band Sling is a single patient use disposable sling that can be used with overhead lifts or mobile lifts.

The Band Sling is designed to assist health care staff with the support and positioning of limbs. Providing proper limb support can assist staff with wound dressing, wound preparation, leg/venous wrapping, foot care, cleaning and a variety of other care related tasks.

The National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses (NAON) recommends that limb lifting be limited to a maximum of 11.1 lbs. The average weight of a 200 lb. patient’s leg is approx. 35-37 lbs.

It is important the sling be applied as to reduce the risk of skin irritation during the application process. Follow the instructions on the instruction sheet delivered with the Band Slings.

View our Catalog of Slings, Sheets, and Air Transfer Solutions here