Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mattress

Repositioning Injuries in Hospitals

Healthcare workers are at risk for injuries such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) when performing manual patient transfers. According to recent studies, over 95% of nurses, report having some form of MSD or repositioning injuries during their careers. In 2021, there were a combined 18,090 missed days of work in the U.S. due to the disorder.

Low Back pain is the most common complaint among healthcare workers. This injury is brought on by the repeated stress of lifting patients manually. A few key examples include:

  • Transferring a patient from a bed to a stretcher
  • Lifting a patient from a supine position
  • Repositioning a total-care patient
  • Lateral transfer before and after surgery
  • Transferring the same patient several times per day

While repositioning injuries can occur at the precise time of a lateral transfer, chronic back and shoulder pain most often affects healthcare professionals. It is often the cumulative trauma from these repetitive tasks that leads to the eventual injury. In addition, current labor shortages mean longer hours, further compounding the problem. Also, due to an ongoing growth of the obesity epidemic in the U.S., patients are becoming increasingly heavier.

The SPH Medical Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mattress solves this problem by using a cushion of air under an inflated mattress. It helps reduce the patient’s weight, similar to how the buoyancy of water does. The result is a simple assisted lifting device that does most of the work for you.

There are other transfer devices available that can assist with repositioning and lateral transfers including patient  lifts. However, the SPH Medical Single Patient Use Transfer Mat comes with these added benefits:

  • Fully disposable and simple to use
  • Reduces cross-contamination
  • Reduces the need for laundering and subsequent loss
  • Reduces the risk of a nursing injury
  • Fewer missed days from work

In addition, SPH Single Patient Use Transfer Mats are easier to implement because:

  • The inventory is easier to manage
  • They do not require laundering
  • Single patient use cuts down on infections and cross-contamination
  • They provide a cost-effective solution for hospitals and clinics
  • Each transfer mat is made from a quality, breathable material so it can stay under a patient for extended periods

If you or others on your healthcare team suffer from repositioning injury due to your current patient transfer protocols, it may be time for a new strategy. Please visit SPH Medical for more information on how you and your fellow healthcare providers can benefit from the SPH Medical Single Patient Use Air Transfer Mattress.

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